A High School Crush #4: A Moment's Notice

by Amittras15 min read (3638 words)

Usually the third year in college is the time when people start thinking about their future lives seriously. I believe the mindset goes something like this for most people. I have breezed through two years of college. I don't even know where the time went. Now there's only one more year and then it's either off to the races with campus placements, or it'll be a terrible grind searching for walk-in interviews by mediocre companies. Basically something similar to what we have in the last couple years of high-school. Only the stakes are much higher in a college.

I pretty much got the same vibes from everyone else around me. Even some professors took time off of their lecture duration and gave us advice regarding how things should be in our lives from now on.

"In my personal opinion, any friendships that you cherish should go to the sidelines from now on," one of our rather respected professors told us one day in between topics. "I know it sounds terrible, and offensive, and maybe even melodramatic to some. But trust me, I've been teaching young boys and girls like you for over twenty years now. And I can tell you from experience, if you cannot have your priorities set correctly after this point, it is going to be difficult out there."

Needless to say, the remainder of the lecture became extremely gloomy. I looked over to the window, and found Tanay looking at me. He had no expression on his face, just a gaze that did not convey any sentiment. Basically your generic poker face when you are getting to know something very serious. When he averted his eyes from me, I scanned the entire lecture hall once. Most of my classmates looked like they had watched the worst horror movie of their entire life.

My gaze fell and lingered on Aarush a little longer than a few seconds. He was looking straight ahead at the professor, his trusted fountain pen on his nimble fingers. I couldn't detect any specific expression on his face either. Was everyone doing a wordless introspection of their lives so far? Maybe. I only knew that I was not thinking anything. Well, yes, I was observing everyone else, and forming an idea of what they were thinking, but I had no thought about myself or my life in general. And I wondered if that was wrong in some way.

My reverie came to an abrupt end when Aarush suddenly lifted his head and turned to me. It was as if he had felt my gaze on his shoulder. I don't know what he saw on my face -- maybe it was the same blanched look as everyone else -- but he gave me a small smile. I smiled in return, and we both looked back at the professor. He was droning on and on about how difficult life outside the college could be, how challenging and competitive the process of getting a job and making money was.

"My intention is not to scare you all out of your wits, trust me. I know how all of this sounds. But I do think it is my responsibility to spread awareness in hopes that you all wake up to reality, and look ahead at the couple of upcoming years with a positive determination."

It was the last lecture of the day, which somehow made his words hit a little deeper. We all would be going back to our places of stay, all the way thinking about what he talked about. When I had packed my stuff and was about to leave, I noticed Tanay wasn't in the classroom anymore. Thinking he might be in the boys' room, I decided to wait for him outside the class.

"Waiting for Tanay?" Aarush asked on his way out.


"He dashed out in a hurry indeed. I didn't even catch where he went." Aarush said, chuckling. "Are we still up for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure. Same time?" Aarush and I had been meeting in the library every weekend for the last couple weeks. He was struggling with some stuff. This semester didn't pose any major challenge for me, so it was mostly I who spoke for all the two hours or so that we were together.

"Of course, see you then." He said. We exchanged goodbyes and he went off.

Tanay didn't show up for ten straight minutes. I was worried so I dialled his phone. He picked up ten rings later, "Hi, sorry I got an urgent message so I had to leave as quickly as I could."

"You should have at least told me. I've been waiting here in front of the classroom like some idiot." I said on the phone.

"Look I'm sorry, I should have told you. Can we talk later?"

"Okay fine. Evening?"

"Maybe." he said and hung up. What is up with this guy? I wondered.

It was not the first time Tanay had decided to suddenly disappear without a reason. For the past few weeks, Tanay would break away from our conversations and go home with a vague reason, some of which didn't even make sense. Once or twice I asked him what was up, and he had a perfectly reasonable explanation. I didn't think much of it at first, but then I thought why not tell me exactly why you're leaving in the first place. After all, we were already as close as two people can get in a college romance.

About three months ago, we had mutually decided to take our relationship to another level. Tanay had made sure that I thoroughly enjoyed my first time being intimate with a man. And it was wonderful indeed. He took me to this beautiful place one weekend and we made love for the first time just before dawn. As we held each other close, feeling the first rays coming through the windows hitting our naked bodies, I decided this is the moment I might be cherishing for the rest of my life. It was my moment and mine alone. Yes, Aarush did cross my mind then, but in hindsight, it might have been something necessary. There must be a place where you draw the line, even if you have to cross another to draw it.

That evening, Tanay called me back and asked if I could meet him at our usual café. I agreed and we decided to meet in an hour. I put on a simple red sundress and matching shoes. I put my hair up in a ponytail and decided to skip my regular handbag for the clutch.

Tanay was waiting for me when I reached Café Aura, our usual hangout for most weekends. They had good food, cheap rates and a nice ambiance. But today I was having a second thought that kept bothering me. I couldn't understand why he didn't offer to pick me up today from my place, which he usually does. I didn't mind it too much, but considering his frequent disappearing these days, it was a little weird. I decided not to think too much about it. It was a pleasant evening and I enjoyed the atmosphere and the twenty minute walk.

"What's up!" I greeted.

"Sorry for vanishing like that today." He said.

"Don't worry about it. But yeah, I did wonder whether you fell asleep in the restroom. I was going to come and knock!" I smiled, light moods will probably loosen up the real reason out of him.

"You do know that there's a reason why men's and women's restrooms are separate, right?" Tanay laughed too.

"Yeah, but the situation called for quick actions, what if you actually fell asleep in a filthy place like that! That's not a time for these ridiculous social norms, is it?" I put on my most concerned face and said.

"Oh stop it."

"Anyways, what was so urgent?" I asked him.

"Nothing too urgent actually, my roommate had forgotten his keys at the house again. So I had to go." he explained. It made sense, like every other time he had explained his sudden disappearances.

"Oh, fine!" I said, "I'm starving though, aren't you going to feed me?" I batted my eyes at him a little.

"Actually one of my friends from school is in town today. I was thinking we could meet up with him and go to some better place."

"Oh my lord! You should have told me before. I'm wearing this ridiculous thing."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"But he's going to make fun of you for having a basic girlfriend." I pouted.

"Oh come on, if he thinks you're basic, he better be dating Ariana Grande to compete." He looked straight at me, "or Scarlett Johansson, or what's her name, that Hermione girl, yeah, Emma Watson!"

"Enough with the flattery. You should have told me before. I don't feel too comfortable meeting new people when I'm not at my best. Girls get bothered by these things, you know."

"If it bothers you, I am really sorry, I sincerely apologise. But I do think you look perfectly gorgeous tonight."

"Do you have your bike, if we have some time we can still go and I can change into something better at least."

It was at this moment that Tanay spotted someone in the crowd, and waved. Oh well, so much for a quick change. Ten seconds later a boy walked up to our table. If Tanay and he stood side by side with their faces covered, they could have easily passed as twins. Very similar muscular build, with arms seemingly crafted with a reference to Michelangelo's David. Basically another handsome specimen of the male human being. A little too handsome maybe.

"Tanay! My friend! Long time no see," He greeted, shaking Tanay's hand. "And you must be the Ruhi he keeps talking about." He extended his right hand at me. I could feel my cheeks redden. I threw a sidelong glance at Tanay, who just smiled. I took his hand and shook it. "Piyush. It's very nice to meet you. "

"Likewise," I managed.

"So, where are we headed, bro?"

"There's a nice club just a couple blocks away. Let's go there. It's called the Friday Mischief." Tanay pulled out a keychain from his pocket. It didn't look like the keys to his motorbike. He spotted my slight confusion. "I rented a car for the evening." He then turned back to his friend. "You want to drive?"

"Sure. Nice name for a club, suits the day perfectly." Piyush winked at me. Of course, it was a Friday. The wink though, maybe a little too much.

We got into the car. Tanay took the passenger seat while I went in the back. It suited me perfectly with all of my self-consciousness this evening. Within five minutes, I felt relaxed as Piyush started telling stories from their high-school times. Events from high school do have a way of calming everyone. Piyush asked me quite a few questions as well, and paid attention to everything I said.

When we reached the club, it was not too crowded. We got a table at the far corner, and Piyush instantly picked the menu and handed it to Tanay. Then he turned to me.

"So, tell me, this guy isn't bothering you too much with his mental encyclopaedia, is he?" He asked.

"Sometimes, but it's quite the entertainment."

"I'm not sure how you're finding it entertaining, when we were in school, he bored us to sleep."

"How about pasta?" Tanay interjected.

"Fine with me," Piyush said. Tanay turned to me, "yeah, pasta is fine. Make sure it's white sauce though."

"Yeah I know, white sauce or no pasta for you. Piyush, you want beer? They don't have too many choices."

"Leave the drinks, let's just get some soft drinks each." He said. I was grateful. I didn't like drinks at all.

Tanay placed the order and we settled into a relaxed conversation. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as I expected after all. Piyush didn't comment anything about me, though he asked a lot of funny questions. Where I was from, what I found attractive in Tanay, whether I was tormenting him enough regularly and the like. When our food arrived, I excused myself to use the restroom. I checked my phone for any new messages.

There was one from Aarush about twenty minutes earlier. 'I'm bored. Are you free for a call?' I typed out a quick reply. 'I'm with Tanay and a friend, let's meet tomorrow in the library directly.' His reply came almost instantly. 'Okay, have fun, take care. Let me know if you need anything.' His trademark reply before turning in for the night. Aarush was definitely going to bed now.

'Good night!' I replied and walked out of the restroom. When I got back to the table, Piyush was laughing. Must be a great joke.

"I hope you guys are not making fun of me!" I narrowed my eyes on Tanay, "because if you are..."

"Relax Ruhi! Piyush was just telling me about this ultra stupid friend of ours who is now more stupid than ever."

"Hmm, making fun of people behind their backs! Very bad habit." I said in my most kindergarten teacher tone.

"Yes ma'am. We'll stop!" Piyush piped in.

"No no, please don't. Tell me about this ultra-stupid friend of yours."

By the time we were done with our food and drinks, I was feeling tired. Too much laughter for a night, maybe. Piyush and Tanay were still talking, catching up. I was not paying too much attention to them. The air felt surprisingly nice. Maybe all the cigarette smoke around us was making it like that. Every once in a while either of the two would look at me, and smile. I smiled in return every time.

I leaned towards Tanay once to whisper in his ear that I was feeling sleepy and wanted to go home. That's when I felt the sway. I was sitting still for the past hour or so, but now that I moved suddenly, I could distinctly feel that something was wrong. Slowly but surely, I started noticing other things as well.

The voices around me seemed strangely muted. My throat felt drier than usual. I had eaten white sauce pasta, and had sprite, that shouldn't dry your mouth. I looked at Tanay. He had a strange look on his face, almost like a worry. Then I looked at Piyush. He was looking at his watch. When he turned to me, he had a little smile on his face. The remnants of a laugh, or anticipation for something else? Something was definitely wrong.

I excused myself to the restroom once more. "Are you alright?" Tanay asked.

"I'm fine, I will be back soon." I replied and hurried away.

I could clearly feel that my feet were not landing exactly where they're supposed to for a normal walk. When I reached inside, I locked myself in a stall, pulled out my phone and immediately dialled Aarush. I heard the dial tone. It kept ringing for what seemed like hours but must have been less than a minute. A computerised voice came on suddenly, 'the person you have dialled is not answering. Please try again later.' I was scared beyond my wits at this point. I tried to stand up, but my knees felt weak. I called Aarush again. This time, he picked the phone on the second ring.

"Hi Ruhi! Did you get bored with your date so quickly?" I heard him speak. His voice seemed to be coming from too far away.

"Aarush, Aarush there's something wrong. I am feeling too tired, drowsy you can say, a little wobbly in my knees, and voices around me don't sound as loud. Aarush I'm scared, can you come here and get me." I blurted into the mic. I wasn't even sure my own voice was loud enough.

"Ruhi, where are you? Where's Tanay?"

"I'm at the Friday Mischief club. Tanay is... he's with his friend. They have known each other since high-school. He's never told me about him and I find him a little weird. Aarush I'm scared, I think they put something in my sprite. I remember Piyush looking funny at me." I heard a strange jingle on the line, like the noise keys make when they are suddenly pulled off of a table.

"Ruhi, listen to me very carefully." His voice suddenly sounded too clear, a little harsh even. "Get into the restroom if you're not already, if some lady is already there, tell them what happened, if you're alone, lock yourself in a stall. I'll be there in ten minutes. Do not walk out and go back to them. Do you understand?"

"Yes, lock myself in a stall. Got it. Please. Hurry."

"I will. Keep talking to me, how long have you been there?"

"About an hour, maybe a little more."

"Okay. Ruhi, just try to stay awake, okay, I'm on my way." His voice was surely fading away slowly. But focusing on his assuring voice seemed easier than anything else. The restroom stall definitely was spinning a little. This wasn't drowsiness. I was drugged for sure. All sorts of thoughts gripped me. What were they thinking, what's going to happen if Aarush can't get here in time, should I call for help right away? I didn't want to peek outside and risk them seeing me talking to someone. If they had drugged me, they'd definitely be watching the restroom doorway closely, ready to grab me and keep everybody away from me in any case.

I decided to unlock the door. Just to be sure that I could get out as quickly as possible when the right time came. Aarush kept asking me random things, and I tried to listen to them carefully, trying to think clearly before answering. I heard some commotion outside about five minutes later. I didn't dare to check what was going on, but I could recognize Tanay's voice. It was loud. I remembered what Tanay and I talked about before coming here.

There's a reason why men's and women's restrooms are separate, right? Until those reasons are in place, and Tanay or Piyush are not let in here without justified cause, I will be fine. That's what I kept telling myself. Listening to Aarush's voice, I could hear the wind on the phone speaker too. He must be on his bike. He will be here any minute.

"...Anyone there?" I heard Aarush suddenly. How many times had he repeated the question? Must be a few, right!


"Is anyone else there with you?"


"Hold on a minute more, I'm at the gate. I'll see if I can get anyone to come check on you."

"Yes. Aarush, thank you so much." At least I was still giving coherent responses. At least I thought I was.

"Later." Aarush said into the phone. I could still hear him. I realised he was not going to disconnect the call until he saw me. Is there anything this boy forgets to consider?

True to his word, around one minute later I heard footsteps just outside my stall. I opened the door just a crack, and peeked outside. A lady in black suit was looking through the stalls. I remembered her, she was at the reception desk when we got here. She had her name tag on her left side. I think her name was Ishita. I opened the door fully and stepped out. Well, 'fell out' would be more apt here. She rushed to me, and kneeled on the floor to my side.

"Is your name Ruhi?" She asked. I nodded as best I could. She quickly got up and left. I remember thinking, please don't go. Soon though, she was back with another lady, lifting me up from the cold tiled floor.

As I walked out of the restroom and out the front door of the club, I saw three big men wearing similar black suits holding Tanay and Piyush. I couldn't see their faces, but I could recognize their shirts. Aarush was standing a little far away beside a cab near the entrance. He held the door open as the ladies helped me into it. All the lights around me seemed to be fading slowly. But I could see people looking at me. What would they be thinking? Another girl who can't hold her drinks, a gullible girl who fell for cheap boys wanting to drug her.

I could still walk, one foot before the other, simple, but I had no confidence that I could do it on my own. The last thing I remember is Aarush's face as he looked in through the window, then turned to the driver and said something. The diabolical anger I saw on his face pierced straight through the haze of whatever drug those two had put me under.

I sat upright and looked straight ahead as the driver pulled the cab out of the driveway. I couldn't see Aarush in front of us. I turned slowly around. He was following closely behind. Soon enough, I was lying on my side, stretched across the entire back seat. The dark interior of the cab became pitch black as I lost consciousness.

Beyond this point, my memory is patchy. I remember being gently pulled out from the cab and onto something white and not so soft. I remember someone pulling my clutch out of my hands, which I didn't want to let go. I remember waking up and realising that I am in a hospital, then falling back asleep without another worry knowing that I was safe. Safe because Aarush had brought me here.

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